Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ah... My very first blog post. I'm not at all quite sure how my blog will turn out, but I'll start by telling about myself. I'm always creating, or coming up with a zillion ideas of things to create. Some of the things I make I really think out, but that doesn't happen very often. Usually I just grab some random craft supplies and make something or I just doodle. My desk is almost NEVER clean, which I don't really mind. Unless I clean it off, you can't really see the top of my desk, and let's not even mention my amazingly messy desk drawers. Over a few years I've collected most of my art supplies, which includes paper, glue, many, many stickers, water colors, paints, paint brushes, markers, punches, sponges, brads, buttons, and a LOT more things. Most of this stuff is in my closet or my desk.

  Now for my room: I love my room. It's the place where I can go to be alone and paint or read. I spend most of my time in my room. My walls are blue and are almost completely covered by art and other random things. But what I like most on my wall is my Wall of Special Things. It's in a corner right above my comfy green chair, and it has lots and lots of random special things from my life, from and empty Skittles bag to my signed picture of Jay Novacek. In that same corner I have a tall green floor lamp which I taped paper petals on to make it look like a flower. I'll post pictures of it sometime. I have a little pink glo-fish named Tina in my room, who (whom?) I got on valentine's day a couple of years ago. All in all,  my room is one of my favorite places. :-)

Soon I'll be posting pictures of my art projects and other artsy things I like, but first I have to figure out how to. :-)  Thanks to anyone reading this (if anyone is)!



  1. I LOVE THIS!! you know I do. Keeps me informed on what you are up to. I started a cookie blog for a place to post my creations. Right now there are just cookies on there but I may add other stuff too. Keep on creating. You are still that funny, creative girl who said to me, "Aunt Patti, prwetty much my life is drwessing up and eating Cheerwios." and I love that.

  2. When I read your mom's post yesterday about your knitting baskets, Kyra's pillows, your paintings and small things... I thought, "Maddy should have a blog for all her creations!"

    It's like you read my mind. :) Probably because we're cousins :)
