Friday, June 1, 2012

 Hello and Happy June!

 I had a pretty good May. In fact, it started off beautifully with my fun tea party! Here is some of the stuff I've done in the past month... drum roll please... no, I'm only kidding, none of it was exciting enough to need a drum roll, but most of it was pretty fun.
                                                                                  I knitted up this cute little leaf-patterned thingy. I was originally going to make it a headband, then I was going to use it as the brim of a hat, and now I'm not really sure what to do with it. Sure is cute though! :)

I worked on this striped dishcloth- my favorite one so far. :)
  I sewed up some hexagons for my tiny quilt, which is fun when you can have so many different fabrics!

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 I made some more pincushions. You miiiight be wondering why I make so many of these- I'd really like to have a booth at Farmer's Market one year and sell my creations. Hence, I make lots of dishcloths and pincushions and other things.
This May we got our new gardens all planted and already they are flourishing! This box is mine. :)
And the apples on our tree are juuuuust starting to grow! So it looks like June is off to a good start also.

 I did a lot more things than that. Honestly. It's just that Blogger and I are having a small disagreement and I can't post all the pictures I would like to.

 Let's see, I got my patterns! The ones I told you about in my last post. I am sooooo darn excited to sew them up! I'm sure it will be a very good learning experience and I'll end up with some cute dresses. :) Also, I WON two books! Yeah! From Goodreads. Lots of people host giveaways on there and I like to go through and enter a bunch. Hey, it's fun winning things. :) I won The Autobiography of Mrs. Tom Thumb by Melanie Benjamin and Eloyn by Karin Rita Gastreich. I was quite excited. :) Also,I got some fleece fabric and made a blanket for myself, the fabric is fantastic it has different kinds of foods with smily faces on them!

 That's really all I can think of that I did in May, so it's off to a new month! And really it will be a good month because I get to go to my friend's birthday party AND I'll be done with school by then! I hope everyone had a good month and I hope everyone enjoys the new one. :)

Happy June!
